If you think your spouse is cheating, you’re not alone. But do you really need to Involve a Private Investigator?  

Studies show that nearly 50% of married couples have experienced infidelity at some point. While there are many reasons why people cheat, there are also some common signs that may indicate your spouse is being unfaithful. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s possible your spouse is cheating on you, and it may warrant further investigation by a private investigator. Generally, the more signs, the better the likelihood of infidelity. 


  1. They’re suddenly very interested in their appearance. Your spouse suddenly starts paying more attention to their appearance, it could be a sign they’re trying to impress someone else. This may include dressing nicer or in a different style, working out more, or wearing more/different makeup or cologne.  
  1. They’re working longer or unusual hours. If your spouse is cheating, they may start working longer hours or taking more business trips. This gives them more opportunities to meet someone else and less time at home with you. 
  1. They’re not interested in sex. Kinda goes without saying, but if they are preoccupied in the bed with someone else, there is likely less interest between the sheets with their spouse.  
  1. They seem distracted. If your spouse is cheating, they may seem distant or preoccupied when you’re together. This is because they’re thinking about the other person, or they feel guilty about what they’re doing. 
  1. They’ve suddenly developed new interests. If your spouse has taken up a new hobby or is suddenly interested in a new activity, it may be because they’re doing it with someone else. This is a way for them to have something in common with the other person and spend time together outside of their relationship. 


How to Choose a Private Investigator for a Cheating Spouse Case

When you’re dealing with the possibility of a cheating spouse, it’s important to have all your bases covered. This includes, if necessary, hiring the right private investigator to help get to the bottom of things. But with so many private investigators out there, how do you know which one is right for the job?  

Here are some tips on how to pick a private investigator for a possible cheating spouse case.  

Look for an investigator who has experience with infidelity cases.  This is crucial, as they will already have the knowledge and experience needed to conduct a thorough investigation. They will also be aware of the signs to look for and be able to ask the right questions. Ultimately this will make the process go smoother and be less expensive.  


Ask for referrals from trusted friends, family members, or even divorce attorneys.  If you know someone who’s had a cheating spouse in the past, ask them for recommendations on good private investigators. They may have already been through this. If not, think about consulting with a reputable divorce lawyer. Family law attorneys routinely use private detectives to investigate on their client’s behalf. Chances are, they’ll know someone good who can help.  


Do your research online.  There are many review websites out there such as YELP that can help you find the best private investigator for your needs. While these sites are not foolproof, it is likely that if other clients have had positive interactions and results with a particular private investigation agency, you will also. Please feel free to take a look at some of our online reviews here:  https://www.yelp.com/biz/dewitt-detective-agency-san-francisco 


In conclusion. 

Finding a private investigator who can help you through the process of discovering if your spouse is cheating on you can be a very stressful experience. At DeWitt Detective Agency we take pride in being understanding, compassionate, and finding the best solution for your own individual situation. Contact us for a free consultation, and together let’s start the process of giving you the peace of mind you deserve.